As can be seen from the Figure above, each node represents a point of uncertainty- where we will explore the different health outcomes of treatments and attach monetary values and probabilities to each outcome.
In this case, the different consequences of consumption of coffee on your job , specifically, is explored in a simplified, yet interesting and novel way.
When deciding whether to drink a $2 cup of coffee, you consider if it helps keep you awake. Let's say you're successful in your job by staying awake with the help of coffee. The cost involved is only $2. However, should you develop heartburn from over-consumption of coffee and require Gaviscon- you then incur a total cost of $5 to stay awake on the job.
If you drank coffee but still dozed off... you lose your job and incur a cost of $300 to place an ad in the New York Times ($302 if you throw in the cuppa coffee).
On the contrary, if you managed to successfully get work done without coffee, you don't incur any costs. However, if not having any coffee makes you doze off in a meeting with your boss, you lose your job.